
3 best color swim trunks for pale skin

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best color swim trunks for pale skin: Choosing the right swimsuit is quite an art. Because we have to find the right cut, the right print and the color that suits our figure, but also our complexion like pale skin. So, which tone to choose to enhance our complexion? We help you in this delicate mission. Also read Best swimsuits to hide tummy bulge in 2021.

Light, mat or dark skin: each skin tone is more or less highlighted by certain colors or prints. And this is all the more true for swimsuits which “discover” our body. So, to make the swimsuit “test” fun, bet on the right colors!

best color swim trunks for pale skin

If you have fair skin that doesn’t tan easily, bet on contrasts and choose dark colors, which will bring out your porcelain skin. Black, brown, blue or dark purple will suit you perfectly. On the other hand, avoid white, beige and all nude tones, which will only accentuate your pallor. We also advise against bright or flashy colors, which give a “red” shade and not very glamor to very pale skin.

But if you love colors, use them in touches: a bow here, a print there and the most classic black bikini has nothing to envy to the most pepsy models. Not to mention the fact that as your skin tans you will be able to choose more colorful models.

Bronzette swimsuit

best color swim trunks for pale skin

If you have dark skin, a wide choice of colors is available to you, because you can afford almost anything. Obviously, some colors will allow you more than others to highlight your skin tone by playing, once again, on contrasts. Warm, bright, flashy colors, prints: you are spoiled for choice. Without forgetting the clear colors and the white which will bring out your tan . As for dark colors: they are not the best allies to highlight your pretty golden skin, but if you like them, why give up?

Salinas swim trunks

best color swim trunks for pale skin

Like dark skin, if you have dark skin, play the color card! The more lively and flashy they will be, the more they will sublimate your complexion: do not deprive yourself of them, especially since in recent seasons neon shades swim trunks have come back to the fore.
Your favorite color: white, which will bring out your skin while bringing a touch of elegance.

Lua Morena swimsuit

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